
The PHAST (Protecting Health and Slamming Tobacco) Club is California’s largest youth coalition of high school students who speak and act against Big Tobacco. The PHAST Club is found at all the high schools, and most continuation schools in Stanislaus County.
The club also promotes healthy living by volunteering at community events like the Cancer Awareness Ride and Run, the Spirit of Giving 5k, the Modesto Marathon, and American Cancer Society events such as Making Strides for Breast Cancer, and Relay for Life. They do Red Ribbon Week activities, and presentations to elementary schools on the dangers of tobacco.
Elliott was entered into the most decorated, most Spirited High School in Stanislaus County and we won an Honorable Mention for our efforts. We will be getting an award at the Stanislaus County Board’s December meeting!
Elliott’s PHAST Club is also involved Elliott’s Canned Food Drive, Toiletries Drive to help Mission Gospel Mission, and the March of Dimes.