Schoology is our Learning Management System at Modesto City Schools that allows teachers to share with students in their classes assignments, discussions, readings, videos, web links, activities, and quizzes. Students can submit assignments and see feedback and grades on their projects from the teacher. There is a mobile app for Android, iOS, and Kindle that both students and parents can download for accessing class assignments, discussions, and grades.
Students can download assignments while still at school from Schoology to work on their student device at home and when they come back to school on our WiFi network they can submit it to Schoology. The calendar in Schoology allows students to keep up-to-date and on task with assignment due dates. The calendar also allows students to add their own events for scheduling and planning.
Sign up for the Schoology Parent Portal and you can view your student assignments, grades, discussions, and communicate with their teacher on Schoology website or Schoology mobile app for your smartphone or tablet.